Thursday 22 September 2011

And so it begins.

Welcome to my blog!

I have organised my posts with labels, 'inspiration' for example, which can be used to quickly see all the posts i have made in conjunction to that area. Hopefully it's straightforward enough.

As excited as i am to start creating my honours project, i have been finding it difficult to come up with a solid idea to base my research upon. Through a mind mapping process i have discovered where my interests lie and i am very interested in doing a project involving animation, character animation in particular. I thought about looking at empathy with characters in film and games but on further deliberation decided that it could turn far too scientific for me to be comfortable with.

What i want to come away with are the skills to do what i love doing, which is mostly character design and animation!

I've decided to look at how character design can compliment character performance in animation, and how it can be twisted and turned so that the audience is surprised by what is sometimes the opposite to their immediate expectations. I plan to use this new inspiration to research into existing forms of this, the creation of anti-heroes and interesting characters through their stereotype-breaking design.

I plan to look at what the world has responded to, most popular films, animations and games and perhaps the reasons why their characters are so likeable. I shall read into previous research and conduct my own through watching these characters and deciding what one typically takes away from the film/game experience.

It's all a bit fuzzy at the moment and i guess i'm trying to big it up quite a lot :) I really am excited with where my project will go, i am aiming to create a piece of animation that i can be proud of to show future potential employers as well as a research dissertation that shows my competence in the field.

Watch this space for more awesomenesssssss

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