Wednesday 9 November 2011

Revised Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives, revised for crit week presentation, through the help from the project proposal.


›To explore the relationship between character personality and performance in animation and to demonstrate how one can manipulate the audience's interpretation of characters through this relationship.


›Search for and evaluate existing media concerning character animation, focusing on design and performance to discover what has been done, what can be done, and how it is done.

›Analyse animated character performances as a case study, in particular those which show a personality arc, to discover the extent to which it shows the character’s personality.
›Using knowledge gained, conduct  practice-based research, experimenting with a single visual character design with multiple personalities, applying theories of personality affecting performance and evaluate the findings ascertained through this, in regards to the aim.
›Design and create an animated sequence which shows an original character design and the development of performance through a personality arc . Analyse and evaluate the relevance to the aim. 

(An objective that I am still considering, to address the audience interpretation aspect of the aim)

Conduct Interviews using the finished artefact to discover if audience interpretation of characters from design is manipulated through performance and how this is achieved.

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