Thursday 5 January 2012

Story Beats

William comes home, opens the door. It is dark and he is wearing work clothes.
He walks in, tired, and puts his keys on the kitchen worktop.
He fills the kettle and flips it on to boil.
He looks at his watch.
He goes through to his room.
The kettle boils.
He comes back in wearing pyjamas and slippers.
He sits down on a stool and drinks his hot chocolate, reading the paper.
There is a scratching at the door.
He looks up, thinks, looks back at his paper.
There is more scratching.
William puts his paper and mug on the counter and stands up to go to the door.
He opens the door and looks around. There is nothing there.
He shrugs and goes back inside, turning to his mug.
To his surprise there is a puppy standing on his stool, leaning over his mug.
The puppy looks at him, there is cream on his nose.
William looks around, goes back and opens the front door.
Points to the puppy then at the door.
"Go on, out you go."
The puppy looks at him confused.
"Go back home, go on."
After a beat, the puppy begins to jump around playfully.
He slowly walks over to the puppy and picks it up gently by the scruff.
He looks at it cautiously and begins to carry it to the door.
He gently lays it down outside the door and closes it behind it, nodding to it.
William sighs and turns around, looks at his watch, yawns.
The puppy is now behind him again and has his slipper in his mouth.
William gasps and looks down at his bare foot.
"That is mine." He holds out his hand, expecting it back.
The puppy runs away.
William groans and follows it.
It's sitting in his bedroom, looking at the slipper.
William takes it back, the puppy 'smiles' at him.
Hesitantly, william pats the puppy on the head.
The puppy reacts by wagging its tail furiously and running back through to the living room.
Williams worried face turns slowly into a smile.
He looks at his watch a final time but scoffs.
It is morning. William is snoring on the couch, his hair is a mess and he is missing a slipper yet again. The puppy is curled up on his knees, holding the slipper in his mouth.
There is a knock at the door and they both jump, the puppy runs out the room.
William answers the door and listens to whoever is there.
He looks back into his flat, searching for the puppy.
He looks back at the visitor, a confused and sad look on his face.

Personality progression
William - Reserved > Social
Tidy and punctual > Laid back

Relationships shown through him and the puppy and how he reacts to whoever is at the door.

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