Monday 30 January 2012


Man comes home, through front door.

He fills the kettle with water.
It is William. He looks at his watch.
He is tired so exits the room.

He goes to his bedroom.
The kettle boils.

He comes back, in his pijamas.
He sits down, with a mug of hot chocolate.

He reads the newspaper, at the counter.
There is a scratching at the door.

The scratching persists.
William goes to investigate, but no one is there.

He comes back inside, confused.
When he looks up, there is a puppy on his stool.

He is taken aback, shocked.
He picks up the dog, confused and wary.

And places it outside the door.
Closing it behind it, gently.

He checks his watch again, it is getting late.
He experiences yet another shock as he realises

The puppy has somehow gotten back inside
and stolen his slipper.
He approaches slowly but the puppy runs.

He finds the puppy in his bedroom.
He takes the slipper and pats the puppy cautiously.

The puppy is happy and runs around excitedly.
Moved by this, william begins to accept
that a friend could be fun.

It is morning, and they are asleep on the couch.
There is a rushed knocking at the door.

William wakes up, the puppy runs off again.
He answers the door.

There is someone outside it, asking him a question.
He turns to his flat, looking for the puppy.

He turns back to the visitor, reluctant and sad.

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