Thursday 27 October 2011

Gentlemen Test

Based on my analysis of the characters in Blur Studio's 'A Gentlemen's Duel', i created a very short animated sequence in Maya with a the Andy rig that i downloaded from Using the same rig customisation, and textures, i created two instances of the same character. Through animation I believe i have differentiated between the two characters. The small scene i devised was inside a hospital waiting room, where the two gentlemen are waiting to be seen to after being beaten up during their duel. Without clearly stating, I wonder if i have managed to communicate personality through animation by showing how each character would act in this situation.

Practise-based research, i predict, will be a crucial part of my research. Even from this simple, short excercise i have learned a lot about how personality is communicated through performance in animation. For one, it was a quite difficult process, thinking about what makes each character tick, and imagining how they would act based on how they move in the original short film.

The character on the left is the French Marquee and the character on the right is the English Sir :)
Did you get it right?

Did I get it right?!
This is what I hope to build upon and develop my skills in.

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