Tuesday 4 October 2011

What do i want to achieve?

I want to work in animation.
I'm really interested in character animation and design.
I want to make a short animation showing my skills that i can exhibit.
I'd like to concentrate on 1 character, making their design and personality outstanding.
I'd like to involve a simple story, with a simple environment, that can show what i have been studying.

A character who acts one way, that isn't how they normally would, because they feel they have to?
A character who changes personality, or opinions of something, and showing this change through performance?
A character who looks one way but acts the opposite?

Refined Aim.

To examine the interplay between character design and animation in coveying the personality of a character, and to demonstrate how character animation can manipulate spectator interpretation of personality through a story arc.
-courtesy of Robin Sloan ;)

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