Friday 28 October 2011

Meline Study

Inspired by the short film 'Meet Meline' by Virginie Goyons and Sebastien Laban I have created a short piece of practice-based research as part of my media tests. This time, I chose to look at facial animation. To capture the childish nature of Meline I decided to try and recreate the scene at 4 mins 50 seconds, as she frantically tries to get her torch to relight, there is a brief moment of shock followed by rationality and childish curiosity. This was one of the moments that stood out to me even from the first viewing and I was excited to try and recreate the essence of the character using the Andy Rig.
Again, this proved a difficult excercise. Fortunatley for me the rig that i have downloaded is equipped with a very useful facial rig, with clear control shapes and flawless parameters. As well as enjoying this, i also got to experiment a lot about subtleties and exaggeration in facial animation.

One thing i have just realised is the lack of retina animation - after the initial shock her eyes would be expected to dart around as she further inspects that which has shocked her.

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